Offenders Vote: Democratic Expressivism and Compulsory Criminal Voting.

POAMA, A., & THEUNS, T. (2019). Making Offenders Vote: Democratic Expressivism and Compulsory Criminal Voting. American Political Science Review, 113(3), 796-809. doi:10.1017/S0003055419000297


The legitimacy of free trade agreements as tools of EU democracy promotion

Tom Theuns (2019) The legitimacy of free trade agreements as tools of EU democracy promotion,Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 32 (1), 3-21.

The legitimacy of free trade agreements as tools of EU democracy promotion

Tom Theuns (2019) The legitimacy of free trade agreements as tools of EU democracy promotion, 

Making Offenders Vote: Democratic Expressivism and Compulsory Criminal Voting

Andrei Poama & Tom Theuns (2019) Making Offenders Vote: Democratic Expressivism and Compulsory Criminal Voting, American Political Science Review 113(3), 796-809.

Report on :Synthetizing ETHOS papers on the interplay & tensions between Justice Claims, Mechanisms that impede Justice and Faultlines of Justice

This Deliverable 7.3 belongs to ETHOS’ Workpackage 7, ‘Theory of Justice in Europe’. It synthesizes the programme’s findings in three separate papers. The first paper (7.3.1) written by Bert van den Brink and Miklos Zala focusses on the interplay and tensions between justice claims. The second (7.3.2) written by Trudie Knijn and Basak Akkan aims to analyse mechanisms that impede justice. The third paper (7.3.3) written by Trudie Knijn, Jelna Belic and Miklos Zala explores the fault lines of justice. Each of these papers is based upon all ETHOS theoretical and empirical studies conducted over the past three years of the programme, although the accents of the papers differ.

Report on the ‘European Landscape of Justice’ web app

This report is part of WP8 – Policy and Dissemination and acts as a follow-up and evaluation report of the Landscapes of Justice web app. The app was created as part of the overall dissemination strategy for ETHOS to on the one hand communicate (on) justice issues to the wider public, and on the other hand to disseminate project insights. D8.3 gives further insight into the development of the app.

Report: Just Deserts? Justice, deservingness and social assistance

This Deliverable explores the relation between justice and social assistance, a means-tested state benefit that is in principle non-contributory. It is the last of three fieldwork based Deliverables in ETHOS Work Package 5 on justice as lived experience. The experiences foregrounded in this strand of research are those of frequently excluded or oppressed sections of the population. Theories of justice often imply, and in some cases explicitly express, rationales for a welfare state in Europe.

Report: Media Handbook on Justice and Fairness

This Media Handbook is part of WP8 – Policy and Dissemination and acts as input for discussion for the final ETHOS conference, to be held in Graz, Austria in November 2019 together with media and policy stakeholders. The Media Handbook builds on insights from all previous content-related ETHOS studies and has the goal to distil and present information about justice and its framing in a manner relevant to media stakeholders.

REPORT: Historical memory and the practice of commemoration in public space – mapping moral sentiments of opinion leaders

This deliverable 4.5 explores moral dilemmas pertaining to justice and fairness in the context of historical memory and the practice of commemoration in Europe. The study provides knowledge on the moral justice views of stakeholders and opinion leaders from diverse political wings, backgrounds and identities in different country contexts by means of a cross-country vignette study. The study draws on the moral psychology of Kohlberg as a framework to analyse the moral dilemmas of opinion leaders with respect to recognitive and representative justice primarily.

REPORT: A comparative report on the right to education: An assessment of the legal framework of six countries from the perspective of recognitive and redistributive justice

This report deals with the right to education of some selected categories of vulnerable minorities. National reports from six countries form the empirical basis of this study, all of them having examined the right to education of persons with disabilities, and next to it, each of them having examined another vulnerable group (ethnic and religious minorities, refugees and aylumseekers).

REPORT: A Comparative study on the right to vote for convicted prisoners, disabled person, foreigners and citizens living abroad

With respect to the right to vote, this comparative study looks in particular detail at the following vulnerable minorities across the six countries in view: disabled persons (both physically and mentally disabled), criminals and imprisoned persons, foreigners and refugees, and citizens living abroad. As with the other comparative deliverables D3.5 and D3.6, all country reports feeding into this comparative report focused on one of these groups – disabled persons – and then on two or more of the remaining groups depending on the particularities of the country under study.

REPORT: on the 2nd workshop ''Justice and beliefs about justice in Europe'' Democracy, stability and reflective equilibrium

As part of the annual ETHOS conference in Budapest, Hungary, we organized an international philosophy workshop on 'Justice & beliefs about justice’ on January 18-19, 2019.

REPORT: Coming ‘Home’: the right to housing, between redistributive and recognitive justice

This synthetic comparative report, based on six country reports (published as working papers on the ETHOS website) covering five EU member states (Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom) and one candidate country (Turkey), identifies and analyses the conceptions of justice which are institutionalized in legal frameworks in Europe, focusing on redistributive justice in the context of housing.

REPORT: Boundary lines between private and public care; Living independently at home or in a home

This Deliverable 5.4 ETHOS’ Workpackage 5, ‘Justice as lived experience’.  Its aim is to analyse the divide between the public and private domain as a fault line of justice in the area of social policy, with special focus on issues of moral obligations and (inter)dependency. It compliments Deliverable 5.3 that explicitly focused on the subjective experiences elderly and disabled persons and their caregivers who all might be vulnerable to injustice.

REPORT: Comparative Report on Labour conflicts and access to justice: the impact of alternative dispute resolution

This comparative report is the 5th deliverable of ETHOS WP6 “Struggles for justice”. D6.1. established the theoretical framework; D6.2. dealt with official discourses and non-institutional resistance in the context of the 2008 financial crisis; D6.3. and D6.4 approached different institutional mechanisms to ensure economic justice, citizens’ participation and the continuity of the European Social Model (ESM) and the present deliverable aims to understand if alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms are functional instruments to improve access to labour justice.

REPORT: Discourses on minorities (and vulnerable groups) access to education, inclusionary and exclusionary aspects

In line with the general objective of the ETHOS project, this comparative report for WP 4.3 “Discourses on minorities’ (and vulnerable groups) access to education: Inclusionary and exclusionary aspects” investigates the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion affecting minorities and vulnerable groups in the system of education as an area where the manifestation of the three dimensions of justice pertaining to redistribution, recognition and representation could be traced in different country cases.

REPORT: The effectiveness of social dialog as an instrument to promote labour and social justice

WP6 focuses on European barriers to economic equality between countries and people and the various forms of non-institutional and institutional struggles for justice in Europe. D6.1 established the theoretical framework; D6.2 dealt with official discourses and non-institutional resistance in the context of the 2008 crisis. The subsequent deliverables aim to understand whether Europe has mechanisms to ensure economic justice, citizens’ participation and the continuity of the European Social Model (ESM).

REPORT: Containing a conceptual framework for integration of findings

The central aim of this report is to contribute to the ETHOS’ theory building by formulating ideal-typical (Weberian) claims to justice that will form the frame of reference for reflecting and interpreting the results of empirical studies. The report complements the idea of non- ideal theory building proposed in D2.2 (van den Brink, Rippon, Theuns and Zala 2018).

REPORT: Containing a conceptual framework for integration of findings

The central aim of this report is to contribute to the ETHOS’ theory building by formulating ideal-typical (Weberian) claims to justice that will form the frame of reference for reflecting and interpreting the results of empirical studies. The report complements the idea of non- ideal theory building proposed in D2.2 (van den Brink, Rippon, Theuns and Zala 2018).

REPORT: Impact of the Social and EU Charters in times of crisis

ETHOS WP6 is concerned with the European barriers to economic equality between countries and citizens and the various forms of non-institutional and institutional struggles for justice in Europe. Deliverable 6.2 focused on the official discourses and non-institutional resistance in the context of the 2008 crisis. The present deliverable concerns a legal report on the extent to which fundamental social rights as enshrined in the European Charters can or cannot constitute a counterweight to austerity measures in times of crisis.

REPORT: Justice care and personal assistance

ETHOS work package 5 is concerned with justice as lived experience. It examines the subjective experiences of those vulnerable to injustice. Deliverable 5.3 draws on and seeks to develop Capability Approaches/Theory to analyse the actions, understandings and relationships described in national case studies of support services for elderly and disabled people in private households.

REPORT: Multidisciplinary Perspective on Justice in Europe

The first reports of the ETHOS project aimed to provide a picture of different understanding and conceptualization of justice by several disciplines. Thus, ETHOS deliverable X.1s examined the notion of justice through the lens of political philosophy (D2.1 – Rippon, Theuns, de Maagt, and van den Brink 2018), legal theory (D3.1 – Salát 2018), political theory (D4.1 – Bugra 2018), social theory (D5.1 – Anderson, Hartman and Knijn 2017), and economic theory (D6.1 – Castro Caldas 2017).

REPORT: Comparative report on the types of distributive claims, interests and capabilities of various groups of the population evoked in the political and economic debates at the EU and at the nation state level

REPORT: Justice in European Political Discourse – comparative report of six country cases

The primary goal of this study is to uncover how justice, as an abstract and complex concept and phenomenon, is conceptualized – explicitly and implicitly – in political discourse. Our interest in political discourse is driven predominantly by its presumed effects on the general public. Political debates contribute to, and often even determine, the societal recognition and social legitimation of social problems, such as specific forms of injustice, for example, as objects of state intervention; they also affect the social mobilization for action on social problems.

REPORT: Justice in Europe Institutionalized: Legal Complexity and the Rights of Vulnerable Persons

Within the context of the wider ETHOS project, deliverable 3.3 examines how the conceptions of justice as representation, redistribution and recognition permeate the European legal order(s) in the rights to vote, housing and education. It seeks to achieve these tasks on the basis of a literature review of relevant theoretical debates and legal desk research in relevant international and European law. It does so in four main sections.

REPORT: ''How does it feel to be a problem?” What we can learn about Justice as Political Representation from empirical case studies

This report examines the relationship between political representation and experiences of (mis)recognition by reflecting on the results of six national case studies on the Roma. It inscribes itself within the ETHOS strand of research on justice as lived experience and builds on previous project deliverables on different conceptualisations of justice. More specifically it develops insights derived from critical race theory and tries to overcome the methodological nationalism that underlies the social sciences in general and the literature on political representation in particular.

REPORT: Report on the workshop 'Ideal and Non-Ideal Theories of Justice': Towards a Non-Ideal Theory of Justice in Europe

This report assesses the state of the art in ideal and non-ideal theory in political philosophy, and proceeds on this basis to make some practical methodological recommendations for integrating empirical and normative work toward a European theory of justice. It is based on the findings of the Ideal and Non-Ideal Theories of Justice workshop, held on February 23-24, 2018 at Coimbra University (Portugal), as part of the ETHOS annual conference. Abstracts of papers presented are included in Appendix 1. Selected working papers presented are included in Appendix 2.

REPORT: Four of Fewer Freedoms: Contested conceptions of justice in Europe between 1941 and 1957

This Working Paper contributes to the overall objective of formulating a European Theory of Justice and Fairness by concentrating on the conceptions of justice put forward, codified and side-lined in the early years of European formation. It takes a social constructivist perspective, focuses on the key actors involved in negotiating justice, the moments that mattered most and their geo-political background during and after the Second World War. The analysis is thus based on archival materials as well as secondary sources.

REPORT: Report on the European heritage of philosophical theorizing about justice

This report provides an introduction to the European heritage of philosophical theorizing about justice, including contemporary debates. A ‘philosophical’ approach to justice is one that takes normative questions seriously (broadly speaking, normative questions are questions about how the world ought to be). Since normative questions cannot be answered simply by collecting empirical evidence, they call for a rigorous approach which differs from that of empirical science.

REPORT: A Theoretical review of the conceptualization and articulation of justice in legal theory

This report attempts to give an overview of justice in legal theory delineated by its purpose to explain non-lawyers how lawyers frame and perceive justice concerns in their discipline, to explicate the kind of screen through which law or lawyers approach justice issues. It therefore focuses on those legal disciplines where issues of justice are most salient, in order to provide an overview of “justice with a legal flavour”.

REPORT: Conceptualisation and articulation of justice: Justice in social theory

This deliverable outlines the conceptualization and articulation of justice in social theory. This deliverable will principally focus on sociological and anthropological theories that relate in one way or the other to philosophical reflections on justice and fairness. At the beginning of these disciplines’ developments, their founders were deeply interested in justice related issues, reflecting on legal, economic, social and interpersonal aspects of (in)justice and offering macro- and micro-level interpretations of causes and outcomes of (in)justice and (un) fairness.

REPORT: Economizing on Justice

The paper addresses the conceptualization and articulation of justice in dominant (neoclassical) economic theory, here denoted as economizing on justice. It traces the economizing on justice approach back to its origins and assesses it in light of challenges and criticism coming from other existing, but comparatively marginalized, traditions and authors within the discipline.

REPORT: A Theoretical Review of the Conceptualization and Articulation of Justice in Political Theory

This overview presents a discussion of the political questions which concern belonging and participation in society with particular attention to the issues pertaining to representation. It aims to contribute to an empirical inquiry to the questions surrounding justice undertaken in a particular historical conjuncture where the bases of stable co-existence in complex modern societies seem to be faced by a series of economic, social and political challenges.